Authority to
divide election
Baltimore co.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Board of Supervisors of Elections of Balti-
more County be and they are hereby directed, immediately
after the passage of this Act, and before the first day of June,
nineteen hundred, to divide the second election precinct of
the ninth election district of said county into two precincts in
such manner as in the judgment of the said Board of Super-
visors of Elections will be most convenient to the greatest
number of voters in the said precinct. They shall number
one of said precincts "two" and the other of said precincts
"five," and they shall make known the boundaries of the said
precincts by advertisement inserted in one or more news-
papers of said county, once a week, for two successive weeks
before the first day of July, nineteen hundred.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That immediately after the said
precincts two and five shall be laid off and established, as
directed in the first section of this Act, it shall be the duty of
the said Board of Supervisors of Elections to label one of the
original registries of the said original second election pre-
cinct "Original Registry Second Election Precinct of the
Ninth Election District of Baltimore County," and to label
the other of said original registries "Original Registry Fifth
Election Precinct of the Ninth Election District of Baltimore
County," and then to strike from the original registry so
labeled, as that of the second election precinct of the ninth
election district, the names of all voters whose residences as
for registrat'n
recorded on said original registry are within the bounds of
the new fifth election precinct, and to strike from the said
original registry, labeled that of the fifth election precinct of
the ninth election district, the names of all voters whose resi-
dences, as recorded upon the said registry, show them to be
residents of the new second election precinct. Those names
shall be stricken off by drawing red ink lines through each of
said names, and through all the entries relating to such names,
but in such manner that the said original entries shall remain
easily readable; and in the column headed "remarks," the
said Board of Supervisors shall write or stamp opposite the
name of each voter, so stricken off, the words, "stricken off
because now a resident of the new second election precinct,"