"The Anne Arundel Academy" shall have power to sue and
be sued, plead and be impleaded, and shall have perpetual
succession, and shall have power to acquire, and take by gift,
devise, bequest or otherwise, to hold, purchase, encumber and
convey such real estate and personal property as shall be
required for the objects and purposes of its incorporation, to
make and use a common seal, and the same to alter at
of an academy.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the object and design of
this corporation shall be the maintenance of an academy at
or near Millersville, in Anne Arundel County, for the prepa-
ration of youths of either or both sexes for college or indus-
trial pursuits and for professional life. The said corporation
shall not have power to confer degrees, but may grant to
students of said academy such certificates of proficiency and
attainments, in any special study or course of study, as it
may deem proper.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the stockholders of said
corporation, at its annual meeting to be held on the third
Monday of June, in the year nineteen hundred, or as soon
thereafter as may be, shall elect not less than sixteen persons
who, when so elected and their successors, shall be a board
of trustees, seven of whom shall constitute a quorum, and in
which said board shall be vested the entire management and
Power given
to increase
control of said corporation and its affairs. And the said
board shall have power to increase their number to not more
than thirty-six persons, and shall be authorized and have
full power to elect their successors, and to fill any vacan-
cies in their number which may occur by death, resignation
or removal ; to appoint such officers and agents as the
business of the corporation may require, to fix the time for
the annual meeting of said corporation, and to make all
by-laws for the management of the property, the regulation of
the affairs and the accomplishment of the object and purposes
of said corporation; and the said board is hereby given and
invested with all other power, necessary and needful, for the
complete control and management of the affairs of said cor-
poration; and at the election of said trustees they shall be
divided into four classes of equal number, and the term of
membership of the first class shall terminate in one year, of
the second class in two years, of the third class in three years,
and of the fourth class in four years from the date of said
annual election, and the terms of membership of each mem-
ber elected after the annual meeting in June in the year nine-
teen hundred shall be four years, unless elected to fill a