Term of office
of clerk for a term of two years, from time of his election and
qualification, or until his successor is elected and qualified,
and shall be subject to removal from his said office for any
wilful neglect of duty or misbehavior in office at any time, by
the County Commissioners of said county, and the County
Commissioners for said county at their annual meeting in
January in the year nineteen hundred and one, or as soon
thereafter as possible, shall appoint a person of sound judg-
ment and well known integrity, clerk for said board who shall
hold his office until his successor is duly elected and qualified
as hereinbefore provided, and as to said clerk so to be ap-
pointed for the year nineteen hundred and one, all the provi-
sions of said Section thirty -four shall be and remain in full
force and unrepealed the same as though this Act had not
been passed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 1, 1900.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 9A
of Article 10, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact," as added
thereto by the Acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight,
Chapter one hundred and sixty-six.
Repealed and
Attorneys at
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 9A, of Article 10 of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in
Fact," as added thereto by the Acts of eighteen hundred and
ninety-eight, Chapter one hundred and sixty-six, be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments so
as to read as follows:
Authority to
papers filed
for record, etc.
9A. All persons who are now or shall hereafter be admitted
to practice law in any court in this State, or their authorized
clerk or representative, shall be entitled to inspect and ex-
amine as soon as received for record or at any time thereafter,
all papers filed for record or otherwise, in the clerk's office
of the Circuit Courts of this State, and the Clerk's offices of the
courts constituting the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City,
and in the offices of the Register of Wills in this State and of the
Commissioner of the Land Office, and to make memoranda or
notes therefrom for any lawful purposes whatsoever, without
payment of fees therefor, and also to examine the records and