WHEREAS, In said report it was stated that the sum of
$142,000 was necessary in order to straighten, widen and
deepen the channel of the entrance to the harbor of Annap-
olis, Maryland, so as to obtain a ship's channel of one hundred
and fifty feet wide and twenty -eight feet deep, at mean low
water, from Chesapeake Bay to the wharves of the United
States Naval Academy, in said harbor; therefore, be it
Resolved, By the General Assembly of the State of Mary-
land, That the delegation in Congress from this State be and
they are hereby requested to urge upon Congress to make an
appropriation of the sum of $142,000, with which to make
said river and harbor improvements; be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and he is hereby
requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions, under the
seal of the State, to each of the Senators and Representatives
now in Congress from this State.
No. 9.
Congress to
WHEREAS, The Legislature of Virginia has passed a joint
resolution in words following, to wit: Joint resolution in
regard to Maryland and Virginia boundary along the Potomac
WHEREAS, Under the award made by J. S. Black, of Penn-
sylvania, and Charles J. Jenkins, of Georgia, in arbitration
between the State of Maryland and the State of Virginia to
settle and determine the true line of boundary between the
said States a doubt exists as to the true line along the Potomac
River, from the Great Falls, above Washington, D. C., to the
mouth of said river, and because of this uncertainty and doubt
the question of territorial jurisdiction remains unsettled, much
to the inconvenience of the citizens of each State, and
WHEREAS, It is important that doubt in the said award be
removed and the true line of boundary should be established
and definitely settled; therefore, be it
Maryland and
Resolved, The House of Delegates concurring, that the
President of the Senate shall appoint two members of the
Senate, who, together with himself, shall constitute the com-
mittee on the part of the Senate, and that the Speaker of the
House of Delegates shall appoint three members of that body,
who, together with himself, shall constitute the committee on
the part of the House of Delegates, (provided that if either
the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of
Committee of