the Exchange Loan of 1889, issued under Chapter 201 of
1888, and of the Exchange Loan of 1891, issued under
Chapter 305 of 1890, as were exchanged on the first day of
January, 1899, for a like amount of "The Consolidated Loan
of 1899," as per Chapter 219 of the Acts of 1898.
WHEREAS, The Board of Public Works, by virtue of au-
thority contained in Chapter two hundred and nineteen of the
A.cts of the General Assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety-
eight, providing for the refunding and extension of certain
Exchange part
Loan, 1899.
debts of the State, did, on the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and ninety-nine, exchange four millions five hun-
dred and one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six dollars
and thirteen cents ($4,501,926.13) of "The Consolidated Loan
of 1899" for a like amount of the debt of the State, to-wit:
One million one hundred and forty -three thousand three hun-
dred and seventeen dollars of the Maryland Defence Redemp-
tion Loan, seven hundred and ninety -one thousand eight hun-
dred and seventy-nine dollars and seventy cents of the Ex-
change Loan of 1886, two million five hundred and fourteen
thousand two hundred dollars of the Exchange Loan of 1889,
and fifty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-nine dollars
and forty-three cents of the Exchange Loan of 1891, aggre-
gating four millions five hundred and one thousand nine hun-
dred and twenty-six dollars and thirteen cents ($4,501,926.13),
which cancelled bonds or certificates of indebtedness are now
in the custody of the State Treasurer, and it is eminently
right and proper that said bonds or certificates of indebted-
ness should be destroyed and his responsibility therefor cease;
therefore be it
Authority to
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Ptate be and he is hereby authorized to
destroy the bonds or certificates of indebtedness as aforesaid,
viz: Maryland Defence Redemption Loan, amounting to one
million one hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred
and seventeen dollars ($1,143,317); Exchange Loan of 1886,
amounting to seven hundred and ninety-one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-nine dollars and seventy cents ($791,-
879.70); Exchange Loan of 1889, amounting to two millions
five hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred dollars
($2,514,200), and the Exchange Loan of 1891, amounting to
fifty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-nine dollars and
forty-three cents ($52,529.43), aggregating four millions five
hundred and one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six dol-
lars and thirteen cents ($4,501,926.13), in the presence of the
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