granted to
143A. All licenses for the purpose of conducting the occu-
pation or business of an insurance broker shall be granted by
the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Maryland, and all
such licenses granted by said Commissioner shall expire on
the first day of May thereafter. Whoever, for compensation,
acts or aids in any manner in negotiating contracts of insur-
ance or reinsurance, or placing risks, or effecting insurance or
reinsurance for a person other than himself, and not being
duly appointed solicitor, agent or officer of the company in
which such insurance or reinsurance is affected shall be
deemed an insurance broker within the meaning of this
License fees
for brokers.
143 B. Any person applying for the same and paying to the
Insurance Commissioner the sum of one hundred dollars for
the use of the State, and an additional sum of one dollar as a
fee to the said Commissioner for issuing said license may obtain
a license for carrying on the business of an insurance broker,
and no license shall be issued to permit more than one person
or the members of a bona fide copartnership to act thereunder;
provided, that any person or firm residing in any of the coun-
ties of the State may upon payment of a fee of twenty-five
dollars obtain a license to act as broker as to risks situated in
the county only within which he or they may reside; and if
such license be granted for a portion of any year, a ratable
sum shall be charged therefor up to the first day of May next
Penalty for
143 C. Any person who shall use or exercise the business
occupation of an insurance broker without having procured a
license therefore, as required by Sections I43A and 143 B of
this Article, shall be subject to a penalty of five hundred dol-
lars for each offense, one-half for the use of the State, and the
other half to the informer.
Sheriffs shall
furnish to
names of
143 D. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of the City of Bal-
timore and the sheriff of each county throughout the State to
furnish the Insurance Commissioner, prior to the first day of
May in each and every year thereafter, the names of all per-
sons conducting the business of "Insurance Broker," within
the respective jurisdiction of each of said bailiffs, for which he
shall receive a fee of fifty cents for each license issued by the
Insurance Commissioner.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10, 1900.