said town of Cambridge, said wharf, or shell walk, to extend
into the Great Choptank River, for a distance not exceeding
three hundred yards, to be of a width not greater than the
width of the said land of Harvey H. Conway, to be imme-
diately in front thereof, and to run and extend with the ex-
tended lines of said land out into said river; provided, such
wharf, or shell walk, shall be constructed and established on
or before the 1st day of January, A. D., 1905.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said wharf, or shell walk,
when so constructed and erected, shall be the property of the
said Harvey H. Conway, his heirs and assigns forever.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10, 1900.
AN ACT to incorporate Washington Camp, Number Thirteen,
Patriotic Order Sons of America of the State of Maryland,
a Subordinate Camp of the State Camp of Maryland,
Patriotic Orders Sons of America.
WHEREAS, An association of citizens at Church Hill, Queen
Anne's County, State of Maryland, under the name, style
and title of Washington Camp, Number Thirteen, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, of the State of Maryland, a Subor-
dinate Camp of the "State Camp of Maryland, Patriotic
Order Sons of America;" and
WHEREAS, The said association has applied for an Act of
incorporation in order that thereby its existence may be ren-
dered more secure, and that it may be enabled to carry out
with greater efficiency the important objects for which it was
founded; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Benjamin W. Watts, Linwood Carter, Charles L.
Roe, Paul J. Richard, William D. Wallace, James E. Cole,
Palmer R. Carter, John McC. Rochester, John H. Carter, Harry
C. Roe, William W. Kimball, C. Edgar Smith and Thomas
Davis, and such other persons as are now members of said
Camp and their successors be and are hereby created a cor-
poration by the name, style and title of Washington Camp,
Number Thirteen, Patriotic Order Sons of America of the
State of Maryland, and by that name shall have perpetual
Camp Number
Patriotic Sons
of America.