thirty dollars; for the per diem of four Committee Clerks to
the Senate, at five dollars per day each, eighteen hundred
dollars; for the per diem of one Folder of the Senate, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per
diem of two Pages of the Senate, at two dollars and a half per
day each, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of
one Janitor of the Senate, at five dollars per day, four hun-
dred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of one Postmaster of
the Senate, at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dol-
lars; for the per diem of one Messenger to the Printer and
Mail Carrier, at two dollars and fifty cents per day, two hun-
dred and twenty-five dollars; for the per diem of one Chaplain
of the Senate, at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty
dollars; for the per diem of the Speaker of the House of
Delegates, at eight dollars per day, seven hundred and twenty
dollars; for the per diem of ninety 'other members of the
House of Delegates, at five dollars each per day, forty thousand
five hundred dollars: for the per diem of one Chief Clerk of the
House of Delegates, at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dol-
lars; for the per diem of one Reading Clerk of the House of
Delegates, at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for
the per diem of one Journal Clerk of the House of Delegates,
at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for the per diem
of one Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Delegates, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per
diem of one Doorkeeper of the House of Delegates, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per
diem of two Assistant Doorkeepers of the Ho use of Delegates,
at five dollars each per day, nine hundred dollars; for the per
diem of one Engrossing Clerk of the House of Delegates, at
seven dollars per day, six hundred and thirty dollars; for the
per diem of one Clerk of the Committee on Claims, at five dol-
lars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem
of six Committee Clerks of the House of Delegates, at five
dollars each per day, two thousand and seven hundred dol-
lars; for the per diem of three Folders of the House of Dele-
gates, at five dollars each per day, thirteen hundred and fifty
dollars; for the per diem of two Pages of the House of Dele-
gates, at five dollars each per day, nine hundred dollars; for
the per diem of one Janitor of the House of Delegates, at
five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the
per diem of one Postmaster to the House of Delegates, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per
diem of one Messenger to the printer and mail-carrier, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the salaries,
of the Chaplains of the House of Delegates, one hundred and