seven thousand dollars, or so much thereof as in the opinion
of the Governor may be necessary, no part of said appropria-
tion to be expended in the killing of eels in the Wicomico
River, or in other waters of the State of Maryland.
and other
To the Maryland House of Correction, for the support of
the institution, twenty-five thousand dollars; to the House of
Refuge, fifteen thousand dollars; to the Female House of
Refuge, five thousand dollars; to the House of Reformation
and Instruction for Colored Children, ten thousand dollars;
to the Managers of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, for
the support of the institution, twenty thousand dollars; to the
Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Frederick, for the education of the
deaf and dumb, twenty-five thousand dollars; to the Maryland
School for the Blind, for the education of the deaf and dumb
and blind colored children of the State, ten thousand dollars;
to the "Springfield State Hospital" of the State of Maryland,
for the support of the institution, the sum of thirty thousand
dollars; to the State Vaccine Agent, for his salary, six hun-
dred dollars, and to defray the expense of procuring; reliable
vaccine virus, twelve hundred dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary; to the Maryland Asylum and Training
School for Feeble-minded, the sum of three thousand dollars,
for maintenance, and the further sum of twelve thousand and
five hundred dollars for buildings and improvements.
To pay the officers and members of the General Assembly,
including postage, stationery, mileage and miscellaneous ex-
penses, as follows, to wit: For the per diem of the President
of the Senate, at eight dollars per day, seven hundred and
twenty dollars; for the per diem of the twenty-five Senators,
at five dollars per day, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty
dollars; for the per diem of one Secretary of the Senate, at ten
dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for the per diem of one
Reading Clerk of the Senate, at ten dollars per day, nine hun-
dred dollars; for the per diem of one Journal Clerk of the
Senate, at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for the
per diem of one Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, at five dollars
per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of
one Doorkeeper to the Senate, at five dollars per day, four
hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of one Assistant
Doorkeeper to the Senate, at five dollars per day, four hun-
dred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of one Engrossing
Clerk of the Senate, at seven dollars per day, six hundred and;