roads, or in any side ditches thereof, shall be liable to a fine
of five dollars and cost for each and every such offense, which
shall be imposed by any justice of the peace of the district
within which such offense shall be committed, upon the com-
plaint of the Road Commissioner hax-ing charge of said road;
provided, said person having been notified to remove said
obstruction by the Road Commissioners shall fail to do so
within two days after notification; and provided further, that
the person so placing said obstruction on the public roads, or
in the side ditches, shall be liable to a fine of five dollars for
each day that he permits said obstruction to remain, the said
fine to be in addition to the original fine of five dollars, after
the expiration of said two days to be imposed by said justice
in like manner as said original fine; said fine to be paid by
the justice to the County Commissioners of Baltimore County
and placed by them to the credit of the district in which it
has been imposed; said fine to be enforcable as other fines
imposed by the justice of the peace.
on public
Sec. 196. The Governor of the State of Maryland shall, on
or before the first day of January, 1901, appoint as Baltimore
County Roads Engineer a man having the degree of civil
engineer, and experienced in bridge and road building, who
shall hold office until removal by the Governor or his succes-
sor for such good cause as he shall deem sufficient.
shall appoint
Sec. 197. The Baltimore County Roads Engineer shall
inspect the roads in each district as often as may be necessary,
and recommend to the Road Commissioners of the respective
district such repairs and improvements as he may think advis-
able; and he shall also submit specifications and plans for
the repairs or improvement of any particular road when
called upon by the said Road Commissioners, and shall sub-
mit to the said Road Commissioners of the respective dis-
tricts a comprehensive plan for the-maintenance of the roads,
and shall, when directed by the Road Commissioners in any
district, give instruction to the foreman as to the places most
in need of repairs and the manner in which the work shall be
performed, and shall assist the Road Commissioners in any
other manner which the said Road Commissioners may require;
and the Baltimore County Roads Engineer shall annually on
or before the first day of February in each year make a writ-
ten report to the County Commissioners of Baltimore County
and to the Maryland Geological Survey, covering the follow-
ing points: The condition of the roads and improvements that
.have been made in each district in the twelve months ending
Duties of
County Roads