Volume 96, Page 815 View pdf image (33K) |
1900.] OF THE SENATE. 815 Practice and Process-at-Law,' by adding a new section thereto, relating to actions for libels in newspapers, to follow section 15, and to be known as ‘Section 15 A.'" Mr. Moore moved that further consideration of said bill be indefinitely postponed. Which motion prevailed by yeas and nays as follows: AFFIRMATIVE. Messrs. President, Marsh, Applegarth, Messick, Baker, Moore, Beasman, Moses, Betts. Ravenscroft, Crothers, Rohrback, Dick, Wilkinson, Dodson, Williams, of Har., Gray, Williams, of A. A., Kirwan, —19. NEGATIvE. Messrs. Bouic, Bryan, Brewington, Putzel—4. BILLS—THIRD READING. Senate bill entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 172, of Article 20, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title ‘Somerset County,' sub-title ‘Oysters.' Was read the third time and passed by yeas and nays as follows: AFFIRMATIVE. Messrs. President, Dick, Baker, Gray, Beasman, Marsh, Betts, Messick, Bouic, Moses, Brewington, Peter, Crothers, Putzel, Dennis, Rohrbach—15. NEGATIVE—None. Said bill was then sent to the House of Delegates. |
Volume 96, Page 815 View pdf image (33K) |
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