tricts of Baltimore city as they may, from time to time,
be laid out in accordance with the provision. hereof, and
each couDty In the State shall be entitled to one Senator,
who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the said
Legislative districts of Baltimore city and of the counties
of the State respectively, and shall serve for four years
from the date of his election, subject to the classification
of Senators hereafter provided for."
Which proposed amendment was adopted, and
The bill was read the second time and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
Mr. Kirwan, from Select Committee, reported favora-
House bill entitled ‘IAn Act to provide for the election
to be held in Election District No. 5, or Queenstown dis-
trict of Queen Anne county, to regulate the liquor traffic
therein, and repealing section 193, of Article 18, of the
Cdde of Public Local Laws, title ‘Queen Anne County,'
sub-title ‘Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks,' as amended by
the Act of 1896, chapter 348, and re-enacting the same
with the addition of certain new sections to be desig-
nated as ‘Sections 193 A, 193 B, 193 C, 193 D, 193 E, 193
F,, so as to read as hereinafter provided."
Which was read the second time.
Mr. Moore, from Select Committee, reported favora-
Senate bill No. 244, entitled "An Act to repeal chapter
‘TO, of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
January session, 1884, entitled an Act to incorporate the
town of Blshopsvilie, Worcester county."
Which was read the second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
The hour of 8.80 P. M., having arrived,
fle Senate considered the Order of the Day, being
Senate bill No. 223, entitled "An Act to amend Article
76, of the Code of Public General Laws, title ‘Pleading,