The bill was read the second time and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
Mr. Betts from Committee on Agriculture and Labor,
reported favorably, with proposed amendment,
Senate bill No. 88, entitled "An Act to prohibit corpo-
rations from compelling their employes to withdraw from
membership in labor organizations incorporated under
the laws of this State."
Amend by striking out all after the words "a bill” and
substitute the following:
"Entitled an Act to prohibit persons or corporations
from compelling their employees to withdraw from mem-
bership in labor orgainzation."
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall he unlawful for any person or
corporation, or any of its agents, doing business in this
State to compel or require, directly or indirectly, any of
its employees to withdraw from membership in any labor
organization to which said employee may belong, under
threat or penalty of discharge from employment.
"Section 2. And be it enacted, That it shall he unlaw-
ful for any person or corporation to demand or require,
as a condition precedent to obtaining employment, that
any applicant for employment by it shall cease to be a
member of any labor organization to which the said ap-
plicant belongs.
"Section 3. And be it enacted, That if any employee of
any person or corporation, who is a member of any such
organization, shall be discharged, and shall have reason-
able ground to believe that he was discharged by
reason thereof, the said employee may, at any time
within ten days after receiving notice of the discharge,
demand the reason or reasons thereof, and the person or
corporation thereupon shall furnish it to them in writing
to said employee, or be liable to the penalty prescribed
in tine 4th section of this Act.
Section 4. And be it enacted, That any person in the
employ of a person or corporation violating or aiding or
abetting in the violation of any of the provisions of this