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Proceedings of the Senate, 1900
Volume 96, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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By Mr. Rohrback.
A bill entitled an Act to authorize and require the
County Commissioners of Frederick county to pay to the
Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick, one-half of the amount
of the road tax levied or taxed upon the property within
the taxable limits of the city of Frederick, in Frederick
Which was read the first time, and referred to Sena-
tors Rohrback, Peter and Betts.

• By Mr. Hubner.
A bill entitled an Act to sauction the bequest of $500
to St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Baltimore
city, contained in the last will and testament of Mary
Emma Spiloker, late of Baltimore city.
Which was read the first time, and referred to the
Committee on Judicial Proceedings, hereafter to be ap-
A bill entitled an Act to give and grant the sanction
and consent of the General Assembly of Maryland to the
bequest made by the will of Bartholomew Fitsimmons to
the Woodstock College of Baltimore county.
Which was read the first time, and referred to the
Committee on Judicial Proceedings, hereafter to be ap-
By Mr. Rohrback,
A bill entitled an Act to repeal section 22, of chapter
313, of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at its January session 1860, entitled "An Act to
incorporate a company to build a Turnpike road from the
Georgetown Turnpike, to the public road leading from
Adam stown to Greenfleld Mills, and to re-enact said sec-
tion with amendments, so as to read as follows:"
Which was read the first time, and referred to the Com-
mittee ou Corporations, hereafter to be appointed.

The Clerk of the House of Delegates appeared, and
delivered the following message:

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1900
Volume 96, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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