the Hagerstown and Frederick Railroad Company, a. cor-
poration duly incorporated under and in accordance with
the provisions of Article 23, of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, so as to confer upon said railway
company the right and power to use electricity as a mo-
tive power instead of steam, to charge such compensation
for hauling passengers, parcels, packages and freight as
the board of directors may from time to time determine,
and to borrow money, issue bonds and secure the pay-
ment of the same. "
Which was read a second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to incorporate the Girdle
Electric Railway Company. "
By the Committee on Corporations:
On line 71, section 2, page 4, of this bill strike out all
after the word "company, " beginning with and including
the words "and provided, " down to the end of the said
section, and in lieu thereof substitute the following:
"Provided, said company may make any lawful agree-
ment to connect its lines of railway, but said company
shall not consolidate with any other company. "
Which was read a second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to incorporate the Trus-
tees of the Trinity Methodist Protestant Church and
church property, of Kent Island, Maryland. "
Which was read a second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to repeal section 116, of
Article 21, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title 'Tal-
bot County, ' sub-title 'Fish, ' and to re-enact the same
with amendments, and to add thereto additional sections
sub-title 'Terrapin and Crab. ' "
Which was read a second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to authorize the County
Commissions of Queen Anne's county, to pension Abra-
ham Smith, of said county, not to exceed fifty dollars a
year. "