VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November Session, 1800.
On motion, the question was put, That the house reconsider
the bill for ascertaining titles to land in certain
cases, and for facilitating the tracing of titles in general? Resolved
in the affirmative.
On motion, the question was put, That the last clause
in the said bill be struck out? Resolved in the affirmative.
Upon reconsideration, the question was put, That the
said bill do pass? Resolved in the affirmative.
Mr. T. Davis, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petitions of
Joseph Magruder, Clement Chamberlaine, Lewis Duvall
and King English, of Montgomery county, report, that they have taken the
same into consideration, and
are of opinion the prayer of the petitioner ought to be granted, and they
therefore recommend it to the legislature
to grant them the benefit of the act for the relief of sundry insolvent
debtors, passed this present session.
By order,
J. S. BETTON, clk.
Which was read the first and second time and concurred with.
Mr. T. Davis, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
a bill, entitled, An act to authorise Benjamin
Ray, junior, to collect the balances due him as sheriff and collector of
Montgomery county; which was read
the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The clerk of the senate delivers the resolution in favour
of the trustee, the resolution in favour of the mayor
and city council of the city of Baltimore, severally endorsed; " By the
senate, December 15, 1800: Read the
" first time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 15, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and assented to.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The further supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish and
regulate a market at Bridge-town, in Kent
county, and for other purposes, the bill for the relief of Hugh Ferguson,
of Kent county, the bill for the benefit
of Michael Fenwick, of Saint-Mary's county, severally endorsed; " By the
senate, December 12, 1800: Read
" the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 15, 1800: Read the second time and will
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The bill for the relief of Henry Casey, of the city of Baltimore, the bill
to appoint an agent for the year eighteen
hundred and one, severally endorsed; " By the senate, December 13, 1800:
Read the first time and ordered
" to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 15, 1800: Read the second time and will
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The bill to authorise the laying out a public road from the ford on the
Little Falls of Gunpowder, near a mill
known by the name of The Dutch Mill, to intersect the York road near Josiah
Hitchcock's old blacksmith's shop,
in Harford county, endorsed; " By the senate, December 9, 1800: Read
the first time and ordered to lie on
" the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 15, 1800: Read the second time and will
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
Ordered to be engrossed.
The supplement to an act, entitled, An act to regulate elections, endorsed;
" By the senate, December 9, 1800:
" Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 15, 1800: Read the second time and will
pass with the proposed amendments.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
And the bill for opening a road leading from the town of Bladensburgh,
in Prince-George's county, to the city
of Washington, until it intersects the present road at or near the district
of Columbia, endorsed; " By the senate,
" December 12, 1800: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 15, 1800: Read the second time and
will pass with the proposed amendment.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
Which amendments were read the first and second time, agreed to, and the
bills ordered to be engrossed.
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
Y, December 17, 1800.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
The bill for ascertaining titles to land in certain
cases, and for facilitating the tracing of titles in general,
was sent to the senate by the clerk.