VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November Session, 1800.
or sums of money as may, in their opinion, be adequate to any services
that may hereafter by rendered by the
clerk of the trustees of the poor of the county aforesaid.
By order,
J. S. BETTON, clk.
Which was read.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill for the better
improvement of Bradock's old road, from Evan
Gwynn's to the Pennsylvania line, at the Winding Ridge, through Allegany
county. ORDERED, That Mr.
Mercer, Mr. Chapman and Mr. Cresap, be a committee to prepare and bring
in the same.
The bill for the relief of Howes Goldsborough, of the
city of Baltimore, was read the second time, and the
question put, That the said bill do pass? Determined in the negative.
Mr. Dashiell, from the committee, delivers to the
speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of James
Booker, Philemon Willis, Richard Barnaby, junior,
and William Rose, of Talbot county, beg leave to report, that they have
considered the same, and are of
opinion that the prayer thereof is unreasonable, and ought not to be
By order,
Which was read.
A petition from Frederick Saler, of Frederick county,
an alien, praying a confirmation of his title to certain
property, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Shriver, Mr. Nelson
and Mr. Kemp, to consider and report
The report on the petition of Henry Joseph Stier
was read the second time, concurred with, and leave given
to bring in a bill pursuant thereto. ORDERED, That the committee
appointed on said petition prepare and bring
in the same.
Mr. Addison, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
a bill, entitled, An act for the benefit of Henry
Joseph Stier, of Prince-George's county; which was read the first time
and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Forman, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
a bill, entitled, An act for the relief of Wiliam
Works, of Cæcil county; which was read the first time and ordered
to lie on the table.
Mr. Worthington, form the committee, delivers to the
speaker a bill, entitled, An act for the relief of John
Charles Francois Chirac; which was read the first time and ordered
to lie on the table.
On motion, ORDERED, That the committee appointed on
the petition of John Howard be discharged, and that
the same be referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar
Mr. T. Davis, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled,
An act to authorise and empower the levy court of Montgomery county to
assess and levy a sum of money on the
assessable property thereof for the purpose of building a new gaol
in said county; which was read the first time
and ordered to lie on the table.
The message respecting the supplement to an act, entitled,
An act to establish a bank, and to incorporate the
subscribers thereto, was read the second time, and the bill, upon reconsideration,
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to levy on
the assessable property of Anne-Arundel county a sum
of money for the purpose herein after mentioned. ORDERED, That Mr.
Worthington, Mr. Dashiell, Mr. Chapman,
Mr. Harwood and Mr. Wilson, be a committee to prepare and bring in the
Mr. Hyland, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
a bill, entitled, An act authorising James Bowdle, late collector
Talbot county, to complete his collections; which was read the first time
and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Shriver, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Frederick
Saler, of Frederick county, beg leave to
report, that they have taken the same under consideration, and are of opinion
the facts stated in said petition
are true, and that the prayer of the petitioner is reasonable, and that
a law ought to pass to carry the same
into effect.
By order,
J. S. BETTON, clk.
Which was read.
A petition from Rachel Shipley, widow and administratrix
of Talbot Shipley, deceased, praying the chancellor
may be authorised to direct a sale of the property of George Shipley, who
is insane, for the support of the
said Shipley and his family, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Dorsey,
Mr. Harwood and Mr. Johnson,
to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Lemmon, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Peter
Nouchett, a prisoner in Baltimore county gaol,
report, that they have taken the same under their consideration, and are
of opinion that relief is provided for
the petitioner to discharge his person from confinement upon process issued
out of the courts of the United States
under an act of congress, entitled, An act providing for the relief of
persons imprisoned for debts, and that the
governor and council are competent to remit the fine imposed by Baltimore
county court, upon the conviction
therein, and that therefore application for that purpose is properly to
be made to the executive. All which is
submitted to the house.
By order,
Which was read.