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Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1800
Volume 92, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November Session, 1800.            43

    Mr. Stansbury, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled,
An act to prevent the going at large of swine within five miles of the city of Baltimore, in Baltimore county;
which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
    The bill for the relief of Thomas Beall, of Samuel, of Allegany county, was read the second time by especial
order, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
    The report on the petition of William McMahan, and others, was read the second time, and the question put,
That the house concur therewith?  Determined in the negative.
    Mr. Lloyd, from the commission, delivers to the speaker a report on the petition of Hannah West; which was
    Mr. Mercer, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
    THE committee to whom was referred the memorial of William Kilty, having referred to the resolutions of
the general assembly, by which the memorialist has been appointed to revive and prepare for publication a complete
edition of the laws of this state now in force, and inspected the manner in which the work has been executed,
are of opinion that the same has been prepared with great labour, and distinguished accuracy and ability,
and considering the merits of the memorialist, and the compensations which this state, and others of the Union,
have been accustomed to grant for similar services, they submit the following resolution:
    RESOLVED, That the governor and council cause the said laws to be distributed and forwarded as follow:
To the chancery court one copy, to the chancellor one copy, to the court of appeals one copy, to each judge
thereof one copy, to the general courts each one copy, to each judge thereof one copy, to the governor and
council one copy, to the senate two copies, to the house of delegates two copies, to each county court one
copy, to each judge thereof one copy, to each orphans court one copy, to each levy court one copy, to the
land-office western shore one copy, to the land-office eastern shore one copy, to the treasury of western shore one
copy, to the treasury of eastern shore one copy, to the executive of each state one copy, to the house of representatives
of the United States one copy, to the senate of the United States one copy, to the secretary of state
one copy, to the editor one copy, to each member of the general assembly one copy, to the clerk of the senate
one copy, to assistant clerk of senate one copy, to the clerk of house of delegates one copy, to assistant clerk of
house of delegates one copy.
    RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be authorised and directed to pay unto William Kilty,
out of any unappropriated monies that may be in the treasury, four thousand dollars, after the first day of January
next, in full for his services in compiling his edition of the laws of Maryland.
                                                            By order,                                                    J. S.  BETTON, clk.
Which was read.
    The report of the committee of elections and privileges was read the second time and concurred with.
    The order of the day respecting the petition of Rachel Shipley, and the counter petition thereto, is postponed
till Friday next.
    The clerk of the senate delivers the resolution in favour of John Gibson, endorsed; " By the senate, November
" 15, 1800: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, November 25, 1800:  Read the second time and assented to.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk."
A report from the trustees of the Easton academy, endorsed; " By the senate, November 26, 1800:  Read and
" referred to the consideration of the house of delegates.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk."
    Which was read, and referred to Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Gunby and Mr. Parker, to consider and report thereon.
The bill for the preservation of the breed of fish in Great Choptank river, endorsed; " By the senate, November
" 17, 1800:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, November 25, 1800:  Read the second time and will pass with the proposed amendments.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk."
    Which amendments were read the first and second time, agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed.
The bill to lay out a road in Worcester county, endorsed; " By the senate, November 21, 1800:  Read the first
" time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, November 25, 1800:  Read the second time and will not pass.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk."
The bill to relinquish the right of this state to the tract of land therein mentioned, endorsed; " By the senate,
" November 21, 1800:  Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, November 25, 1800:  Read the second time and will pass.
                                                            " By order,                                                    W. S.  GREEN, clk."
Ordered to be engrossed.


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Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1800
Volume 92, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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