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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1687-1689
Volume 91, Page 76   View pdf image (33K)
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Upon which both parties by mutuall consent put themselves to the judgment of this Court
Whereupon it is the judgment of this Court that the said Thomas Laramore deft: has made
a breach of Covenant according to the agreement under hands & Seales made as doth appear
here in Court now produced And it is further Ordered by this Court that mr: Stephen Luff one
of his Lordpps Justices of the peace for this County See what the damages are & regulate
the Same betweene the plt: & deft: & make report thereof to this Court to be holden
The Second Tuesday in November Next &a: ~ ~
// Ordered that Charles Mullins be fined according to Act of Assembly for not makeing his
personall appeareance this Court as being Sumoned thereto &a: as an Evidence on part Tho: Laramore
The Same Day Comrs: as aforesaid
The peticon of Walter Lane of this County Shewing that your peticoner was bound in August
Court last in a Recognizance of fifty Shillings Sterl: for the Appearance of a Servant
Woman belonging to your peticoner named Catherin Tully this Court in Compleyance whe--
=unto the said Servant was Sent by your peticoner & the said Servant being Comitted
Into the Sheriffs Custody dureing pleasure as appears by your Worshipps Orders your
petitioner humbly prayes that his said Servant may be release from her Said Imprison
=ment your petitioner being Much damnified for want of her service & Shall pray &a:
Upon which it was this day vizt: the 12th: day of September as aforesaid Ordered by the
Court that if the aforesaid Walter Lane would promise to pay all the ffees Comeing due
from the aforesaid Catherin Tully then to be Released as prayed which he did assume
In Open Court &a: The same Day
John Ellis Senr: plt: Sumersett County Ss John Rowell Cordwinder late of this County
agt: was Attached to answer unto John Ellis Senr: in an action of
John Rowell deft: the Case ~
And Whereupon the plt: by Thomas Poole his Attourny Saith that he the said
Rowell in the yeare of our Lord 1687 became indebted unto the plt: three yards of blew
Linin Two paire of french fall shoose & halfe a Bushell of wheate the which he the
said Rowell did promiss to pay Unto the plt: or order but he the said Rowell fraudulantly
intending the plt: to deceive of the aforesd: particullars doth deny & still doth deney to pay
the same although often thereunto required by the plt: whereupon the plt: Saith he is
damnified & hath damage to the vallew of 400lb: of Tobao: & thereupon brings his Suit
Tho: Poole pledges de pross Jno: Doe
John Rowell Ds: 1687 lb. Tobo: Richd: Roe
To 3 yds: blew linin at 30 pr yd - 90.
To 2 paire french falles at 80 pr- 160
To ½ bushell wheate at - 25
The same day that is to say the 12th: day of September as aforesd: Came the said John Ellis
Senr: & made Oath upon the holly Evangelist in open Court that the foregoing Accot: of 275lb
Tobao: is a true & just Accot: & that he never reced noe part nor parcell therof
Whereupon Came John Rowell aforesaid in his proper person & saith that John Ellis aforesaid
his accon he ought not to have for that he never had any goods of him as declared
Upon which Came the said John Ellis Senr: by his Attourny aforesaid as alsoe John
Rowell aforesaid & both parties by Mutuall Consent put themselves to the judgment of
this Court Whereupon it is Considered by this Court that the aforesaid John Rowell
pay unto John Ellis Senr: the sume of 275lb: of Tobao: with Cost &a - -

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1687-1689
Volume 91, Page 76   View pdf image (33K)
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