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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 583   View pdf image (33K)
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To all Christian People to whome these presents shall Come
greeting Know yee that I Edward Lillie of Boston in New England
Cooper for divers good Consideracons me thereunto moving have Con
Stituted ordained and made and by these presents doe Constitute
ordaine and make my good frind Edward Davies marcht: my true &
Lawfull attorney for me and in my name to Demand & require any
sume or sumnes of money tobacco or any other goods due to me from
any person or persons whatsoever Living in virginia or Maryland or their
factors & the same to receive for my use & acquittances & Discharges to
give therefore And I doe Likewise give my said Attorney full power of
need soe require to sue and Implead and to prosecute to Judgemt: and
further as the Law requires and to imprison arrest and out of prison to release
such person or persons soe indebted to me as aforesaid And to all other things
that may Lawfully be done by an Attorney for and towards the effectuall
& more Speedy obtaining my said Debts giving him hereby as much -
power and Authority for that end as if I my Selfe were present personnally
hereby Ratiefieing and Confirming whatsoever my said Attorney Shall
Lawfully soe Act or doe in the premisses In wittnes whereof I have
hereunto put my hand and Seale this twenty third day of September 1675
Sealed and delivered Edward Lillie (Seale)
in the presence of
Wm: Sedewick
Walter White
Walter white Did declare that he sawe Edward Lilly signe & Seale
and Deliver as his Act and deed this writing to the party within
mentioned Testified october 20th: 1675 before me ; / ;
ffr: Swanston

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 583   View pdf image (33K)
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