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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 582   View pdf image (33K)
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men to all men by these presents That I Jonas Clarke -
Doe Transfer and over give to mr: Edward Davis marcht: -
in Boston now in Virginia my full power with the -
said Abraham Gording his Letter of Attorney to me -
Together with the severall bills of Ingagement given -
under the foresaid Debitors their hands for payment -
of the abovesaid Debts And that the said Edward -
Shall have as much power to aske Crave And uplift? the
said Debts from the said debitors as if I were
present my selfe And if need be is to sue Arrest -
Implead prosecute into prison to Cast And thence -
to Deliver acquittances and Dischardges upon payment -
thereof or to give Composicon to make Attorneys one or
more to substitute And every other way to Act in my
behalfe especially in the name and for the proffitt -
of the said Abraham Gording in as full and ample manner -
measure and Degree as if I were present my Selfe in all -
points according to the said Abraham his Letter of Attorney
to me And hereby I Ratiefie and does Confirme what the sd:
mr: Edward Davis Shall doe in the premisses according to my
Aforesaid power given to him and the said Abraham Gordings
his Letter of Attourney to me and that in all points fully and
firmly In wittnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand
and Seale this eighteene Day of october 1675
Signed Sealed and Delivered Jonas Clarke (Seale)
in presence of us in behalfe of Abraham Gording
Thomas Walker
James Gay

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 582   View pdf image (33K)
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