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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 308   View pdf image (33K)
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bed unto him he came in unto me and occupied me untill
he was satisfied and ffurther asked me wherefore I refused
to goe to bed unto him I told him because I woulld not the
Sunday ffollowing in the morning as I was A pulling of
A fowle and Cryeing he asked me wherefore I Cryed I
answered to thinke what A greate Deale of trouble I was now
entring into then he ordered me to putt on A kettle of water
on the ffire after he had Sent his Servants to the other plan-
tation and after the water was hotte that I Coulld indure the
heate thereof he ordered me to put my right foote therein
and after some time I tooke it out according as he ordered me
and then with his Launcet he Let me blood or otherwise breathed
A veine and after ordered me to reput my ffoote into the water
and bleed therein which I accordingly Did and when he
thought it was sufficient he Layd A plaster upon unto the orrifice
and bound it up and after all this was don and ended he asked
me if I woulld not Leave him have about which is asmuch
as to say to occupie me for his paines I toulld him no then
he sayd yes he woulld and accordingly the as he said he did
as he was accustomed and the weeke afterwards upon Wendsday
as I was Setting by the ffire knitting his grey Stockings & Likewise
Cryeing he Came from the sawe pitts Came where I was
and said wherefore Crye yee what allwayes Cryeing you'l
breake yor: hart but rather then you Shoulld I will Send you
home againe and I replyed and said I Coulld doe no otherwise
for the very thoughts to thinke of the trouble and shame which
woulld very Suddaynely fall upon me but he toulld me no that

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 308   View pdf image (33K)
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