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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 307   View pdf image (33K)
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that I was with Chilld and his servant and he woulld doe what
pleased with me and according to what he said he Did but in
answer to what he said that I was with Chilld I answered him
that if I were with Chilld It was his and that he was the ffather
of it he answered that if I woulld Lay it upon him he woulld
ffather it and further asked me if I was sure it was noe other
person but his I answered him that I was Sure it was his and
no other, Enfin? he asked me if my master Capta: Coleborne had not
occupied me I answered him no never he answered me and I said
surely he thought he had; And further said Did he not occupie
you when yor: mistris was up the bay Sure said he he might very
well Doe it then for said he to me you Lye as neare to his bed
side as you doe to mine I answered him no for that there was A wall
betweene us After he replyed and said that if my master Capta:
Coleborne had but once occupied me that I shoulld be sure not to
spare him but to Lay the Chilld to him fforasmuch as he was best
able to maintaine it I answered and said no he never offered
any such thing then replyed he and said that he was sure he had
occupied me fforasmuch as my mastr: Capta: Coleborne his Contience
did prick him which made hime soe earnest to have home to him
for asmuch as he Doubted and was affraid I woulld Lay the
Chilld to him I replyed and said no for he need not feare any
such thing fforasmuch as he knew he never motioned any thing
any thing of
tending to Dishonesty and on the seaventeenth day of the aforesd:
month of ffebruary or thereabouts it being on A Sunday night after
I was Abed he willed me to goe to bed to him I answered him no
he bid me quiett and make no noise Still pulling me and drawing
the Covering from me and att Length seeing I woulld not goe to

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 307   View pdf image (33K)
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