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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 309   View pdf image (33K)
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hardly any trouble or shame shoulld fall on me forasmuch as I
was not the first which had prostituted my selfe to the request
or desire of man and further said I needed not Confess who
was the ffather of the Chilld unlesse I woulld for the midwife
woulld not putt me to my oath for I shoulld have the Libertie as
others had before and advised me to tell them that the ffather was
gonne and Coulld not tell when he woulld returne and further
tolld me that my time Shoulld not be prolonged fforasmuch as he
woulld pay my ffine and in A time he came to my master
Capta: Colebornes, and as I was goeing for some water he met
mee behinde my masters Storehouse and asked me if Henry
my masters man and I had a falling out and I toulld him
yes wee had that my reckoning was out and that henry my mrs:
man said the Chilld was none of his and that he woulld not ffather
it his answer was that I might wish that I had bin ruled by him
for he allwayes tolld me that he Did for the best for me and further
asked me how Long I had bin gon with Chilld I tolld him fforty
weekes he said no that I was to goe A ffortnight Longer and bad
me keepe my owne Councill ffor he woulld make Henry my
masters man to ffather the Chilld assoone as he was ffree ; / ;
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Same Day being the 14th: January 1673
mr: James Jones . . . . . : mr: Charles Ballard Commrs:
present mr: George Johnson . . . : mr: David Browne
in the Lord Proprietaries Sute
vers ffor bearing Jane Pellingham appeares & ownes
Jane Pellingam Servant A bastard Chilld her fact being sworne saith
To Thomas Bloyes That the ffather of the Chilld is Jno: marckim
ordered that the said Jane Pellingham be whipped or give in Security
for Twenty dayes worke toward his Lopps: high wayes Jno: marckim
and Jane Pellingham to keepe ye Chilld
Ingaged in Cort: to see the worke performed; ^ Agreed in Cort: betweene
Tho Bloyes & Jane Pellingham that the said Jan Pellingham is to serve
the Sd: Thomas one whole yeare in such service as he shall Imploy her

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 309   View pdf image (33K)
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