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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 269   View pdf image (33K)
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The same Day being ye 11th: november 1673
mr: William Stevens . . . mr: David Browne
present mr: George Johnson . . . : mr: James Dashiell Commrs:
mr: John Winder . . . . : mr: Edward Smith
Ambrose White plt:
vers in A plea of Trespas upon ye Case
Daniell Clauson deft:
The plt: and Deft: being Called appeares
The plt: declares by peticon which is read vizt
To the worpll: Commrs: for y County of Sommersett
The humble peticon of Ambrose White
That Daniell Clauson in ffebruary last past made an
agreement with yor: petr: to serve him one yeare next
ensueing in such Lawfull Imployment as your petr:
shoulld Imploy him in for which yor: petr: was to pay him
Two Thousand ffive hundred pounds of tobacco at the expiracon
of the yeare over and besides his County Leavy but the said
Clausons nesessities being such that yor: peticr: was forced
to Lend him tobacco and spare him goods Amounting to the
vallue of Two Thousand fifty three pounds of tobacco which
summe having recd: he Left yor: peticrs: Imployment;
And run away to your Petrs: great Dammage ;
He therefore humbly prayes yor: worpll: order
against the sd: Clauson that he may be forced to pay
y sd: tobacco; vizt; Two thousand fifty three pounds
of tobacco & Caske or be forced to returne againe &
fullfill his Condicon & pay Cost of Sute; ~
And yor: petr: Shall pray
The plt: produceth this ffollowing writing, vizt,-
January ye 11th: 1672
Memorandum it this day agreed upon and a bargaine made
betweene Ambrose White of the one part And Daniell Clauson

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 269   View pdf image (33K)
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