premisses, And at Certaine dayes appointed According to Act of
Assembly in that Case provided, And at such places which you
or any ffoure or more of you as aforesaid Shall on that behalfe
appointe you make enquire upon the premisses And performe and
fullfill the same in forme aforesaid, Doeing therein what to
Justice Apperteineth According to the Lawes Orders & reasonable
Customes of this our province, saveing to us the Amercements
and other things thereof to us belonging, And therefore wee
Command The sherriffe of the said County by virtue of these
presents that at the Dayes and places aforesaid which you or any
such ffoure or more of you as aforesaid shall make knowne unto
him To give his Attendance on you, And if need require to Cause
to Come before you or any such foure or more of you as aforesaid
such and so many good and Lawfull men of your County by whome
the truth in the premisses may the better be knowne & enquired of
And Lastly wee have appointed Edmund Beauchamp Clerke & keeper
of the records and proceedings in this your County Court; And
therefore you shall Cause to be brought before you at the
said Dayes and place the writts precepts processe & Indictments
to your Court and Juridiccon belonging that the same may be
inspected and by A due Course Determyned, Given at St: Maryes
the Two and Twentieth day of ffebruary in the XXXXith: yeare of
or: Dominion over or: Said Province Annoq Dom: 1672 wittnesse
our Deare sonne Charles Calvert esqr: our Capta: Genll: and Cheife
Governor of our said province of Maryland ; / ;
Great Seale of Charles Calvert
the Province