And of all and singular misdeedes and offences of which
Justices of the Peace in England may or ought Lawfully
to inquire by whomsoever or whensoever don or perpetrated
or which hereafter Shall happen to be don or perpetrated
in the County aforesaid; Against the Lawes and orders of
this Province Provided that you proceed not in any the
Cases aforesaid to take Life or member; But that in every
such Case you Send the Prisonrs: with their Indictemts:
and the whole matter Depending before you to the next
Provinciall Cort: to be holden for this our Province when
soever or wheresoever to be holden there to be tryed, And
ffurther wee doe hereby Authorize you to Issue writts processe
Arrests and Attachments To hold plea of heareing and
Determyneing, And According to the Lawes orders and
reasonable Customes within this our Province afsd: Judgement
execucon to Award in all Cases Civill whether in Accons
reall or personall, where the thing in Accon doth not exceed
the vallue of Three Thousand pounds of tobacco, In which
Cases Civill soe to be tryed, wee Doe Constitute ordeyne And
appointe you the said William Stevens William Coleborne
John White; White James Jones George Johnson and John
Winder to be Judges as aforesaid, unlesse some one of our
Councell be there present in Court: And Therefore wee
Command you that you Diligently intend the keeping of the
peace Lawes and orders and all and singular other the