Caecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland
and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To William Stevens;
William Coleborne, John White, James Jones, George Johnson John
Winder, Charles Ballard, David Browne, Nicholas Rice; James
Dashield; and Edward Smith gent, Know yee that wee for the great
trust and Confidence that wee have in your ffidellityes Circumspeccons
Providences and Wisdomes have Constituted ordeyned and appointed
And by these Presents doe Constitute ordeyne and appoynte you the
said William Stevens, William Coleborne, John White, James Jones
George Johnson; John Winder, Charles Ballard, David Browne,
Nicholas Rice James Dashield and Edward Smith gent: Commissionrs:
Jointly and severally to keepe the peace in Sommersett County in the
said Province; And to keepe and Cause to be kept all Lawes and orders
made for the good and Conservacon of the peace, And for the quiett
rule and Government of the People in all and every the Articles of
the same; And to Chastize and punish all persons offending against
the fforme of the said Lawes and orders shall be fitt to be done
Wee have alsoe Constituted and Ordeined you and every ffoure or
more of you of which you the said William Stevens; Wm; Coleborne,
John White, James Jones; George Johnson and John Winder (unlesse
one of our Councell be present) are alwayes to be one, To be Comissonrs:
to enquire by the Oathes of good and Lawfull men of our County
aforesaid, of all manner of ffelloneys witchcraftes and enchantments
sorceryes, magicke Arts, Tresspasses; fforestallings; Ingrossings
extortions whatsoever Done or Perpetrated or which hereafter
shall And