( 8.
The playntiffe alledges that he had severall deposicons
formerly taken Concerning the premisses. ~ ~
The defendt: agreed that they be allowed though not
now taken before the Jury ~ . ~ . ~ . ~
The Deposicon of German Gillett taken before mr: John
Winder the 9th: day of August Ao: Do: 1670
Sworne Saith Aboute foureteene year Since I was trading in Manoakin
river from Rappehanock with one William Cooke wch
was my Interpreter when he had me A mile or two in the
river he left me in the Sloope and went by Land and sent
an Indian two dayes after for me and the Sloope to come
up; and I asked why he Sent for me soe farr up the river
he said that wee must come up to the tradeing branch,
or else wee Coulld not have any trade with them; which is
the Second branch from the now Cort: house and about
halfe a mile up the branch wee tooke in what Corne wee
dealt with them for and further saith not ~ ~ ~
The Deposicon of Christopher Nutter, aged thirty foure years
or thereabouts taken before mr: John Winder the 9th day of Augst 1670
Sworne Saith That the Indians did owne to me that the branch where
the Stump is about the middle of the mouth of the branch
goeing in is the tradeing branch that mr: Hooper and
mr: Cooke with Severall others did trade of and further
saith not. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Deposicon of Richard Burdick aged forty nine years or thereabout
taken before mr: John Winder the 9th: day of August Ao: Do: 1670..
Sworne Saith That the Second branch on the south side of Manoakin river
from the now Cort: house upward where there is a greate
Stump aboute the middle of the branch goeing in and
A rowe of Stakes where there hath been an Indian bridge
this is the tradeing branch that I have knowne this