120 before the ensealing & delivery hereof whereof and wherewith
the said John King doth acknowledge himselfe to be fully and
wholy Satisfied and paid, and doth of and for every part and
parcell thereof acquitt and Dischardge the said John Townesend
his heires executors and administrators by these presents
hath given; granted; bargained; Sold feoffed & Confirmed And
Doe by these presents fully and absolutely give, grant, allienate
bargain Sell, enfeoffe, and Confirme unto the said John
Townesend and to his heires and assignes for ever, All that
the said Devident of Land Soe granted to the above named John
King as aforesaid; with all the proffitts priviledges; pattents;
writings Commodities & hereditaments to the same belonging
or in any wise appertaining, To have and to hold the said
Devident of Land with all and every the appurtenances to him
the said John Townesend his heires and assignes for ever
to the onely use and behoofe of him his heires and assignes for
ever, to be holden of the said Lord Proprietary for and under
the rents and Services by the said originial recited Deed of
Grant reserved, And the said John King the said Devident of
Land with the appurtenances before by these presents bargained
and Sold, or here by intended to be bargained and Sold unto him
the said John Townesend Doe for ever freely Acquitt the same
of and from all and all manner of former and other bargaines
grantes; Sales; forfeitures; Dowries Surrenders; and of and
from all other titles encumbrances Claimes and Demands of