Miles has indicated that because of my reluctance to appoint someone
for a long term of office of that age, lie will withdraw and a sub-
stitute appointment will be made. That takes care of the age situation.
As far as the geography is concerned, it wasn't the overriding consid-
eration in my failure to reappoint Mrs. Williams, but it was a factor,
particularly when the nominating committee of the school people
indicated that the person I appointed was also a very highly regarded
person. Mr. Sachs, I decided that, all matters considered, it was a wise
appointment. These things were not compulsive as far as requiring
me to turn down Mrs. Williams because of those specific points that
I mentioned. They were persuasive factors.
Q. Governor, in line with appointments, as the result of elevation
of Municipal Court Judge Hammerman to the Supreme Bench we
have a vacancy on the Municipal Court of Baltimore. Have you re-
ceived any recommendations from the bar association as yet?
A. No, I haven't, and I must confess that I have failed personally
to check with the bar association and make sure that they want to
recommend people for the Municipal Court. I don't know whether
the State Bar would, I assume possibly the City Bar would, and I
would like to have their recommendations and will get them as soon
as possible. It may well be that my appointments secretary has already
requested these lists, but I have no personal knowledge of it.
Q. Governor, still in line with appointments. Is any progress being
made in search for a successor for Mr. Pepersack?
A. Yes, I talked to Judge Michaelson this morning and he indicated
to me they have almost finished their interviewing for the Director of
Corrections and would expect within the next week to have four or
five recommendations to me for final selection.
Q. Did he indicate that any of the people who they are currently
interviewing are Maryland people?
A. He didn't indicate that to me. I didn't, talk with him about spe-
cifics on it, he simply said he would have his list for me. And, in re-
gard to the correctional system, I might say that I'm very seriously
concerned about the escape of the prisoner that had previously escaped
and also about the problems at the House of Correction. And I'm con-
sulting today with Acting Director of Correction, Mr. White, and Mr.
Lally, my program executive in that area, at 5: 00 p. m. to attempt to
bring myself current with what apparently are continually increasing
problems within our penal institutions.