Q. On other appointments, do we have any word on who is going
to be the new Bank Commissioner?
A. Not yet. I recognize that these appointments are May 1st ap-
pointments. I'm trying to resolve them as quickly as I can, but I have
no intention of being hurried in these very sensitive matters. I want
to get the best possible people I can to do these jobs.
Q. Governor you indicated a couple of weeks ago that you would
probably replace Mr. Davis, the Commissioner of Personnel, but that
you were in no hurry. I wonder if you have made any progress on that.
A. I don't know whether that is a fair characterization, that I prob-
ably was going to replace him. I indicated that at some time before
a new total term of office was concluded that I may decide to replace
him. I haven't made any determination on Mr. Davis yet. But you're
right in saying that I don't feel any rush to do that.
Q. Along with what we were saying in discussion on the penal system
this afternoon, have you talked to Mr. Burch lately and found out
why the investigation is lagging?
A. Not since we had our last press conference and this question was
brought up. Mr. Burch indicated at that time it may take two more
months, and accepting that and being aware of the accelerating prob-
lems within the system and the expanded scope of the investigation,
I haven't troubled him further with any pressing in that regard.
Q. Governor, I would like to read a paraphrase from the Associated
Press dispatch and ask for your comment on it:
Maryland taxpayers were reported by Representative Morton
of Maryland today to shell out $1. 57 in federal taxes for each
$1. 00 of federal aid returned to the state. Only New Jersey,
Wisconsin, and Illinois pay more taxes per dollar of federal aid
in relation to federal aid received than Maryland does, he said.
Morton said Marylanders pay $248. 5 million to the federal treas-
ury and receive $158. 2 million in federal aid back.
And I quote Mr. Morton: "I believe these figures indicate that we
in Maryland's Congressional delegation should not be bashful when
it comes to seeking Federal funds for worthwhile projects in Mary-
land. " Any comments?
A. I would like to know why we did not get that $12 million for
Baltimore County urban renewal. That would be one thing that
would help our percentage a little bit. But seriously, to answer your