Senator involved, but I don't think I have heard too much about the
industry that was mentioned. I don't know how big it is or how small
it is, but the point remains that we are developing very quickly, indus-
trially, and the point also remains that if we are going to attract good
quality industry we've got to provide the services in education and
other areas that will allow them to bring their key men here. You
can't provide the services without tax dollars.
Q. Governor, there is a rumor that Eldred Rinehart will return to the
State Racing Commission. Would you confirm or deny this?
A. Mr. Rinehart is under consideration at the present time. I haven't
got a firm decision, but I would say that there is a very good chance
that he may be appointed.
Q. The other part of the rumor is that the Governor will then
designate him as chairman?
A. Well, I would have to reach that at the time the judgment as to
putting him on the commission was final.
Q. Governor, several weeks ago you handed down a list of school
board appointments throughout Maryland. You, at the time, removed
from the Anne Arundel County board, Mrs. D. Elwood Williams, Jr.,
a long time member. You also issued a statement in which you cited
her age as one factor against her reappointment. You also stated that
you wanted to get more geographical balance within the county. Now,
Mrs. Williams is about VO-72, nobody is quite sure at this point. Also,
she is one of three board members who live in the Annapolis area in
a total of seven. These are the factors you cited. In the same list of
appointments handed down that day you appointed Harry S. Miles
of Crisfield, who is 72 years old, to be a member of the Somerset County
board. Also, at the same time in Dorchester County you reappointed
J. Edward Walter who lives in Cambridge. He is one of six board
members who live in Cambridge. In the Washington County appoint-
ment you reappointed Claude O. Merckle of Hagerstown, again, one
of three persons who live in Hagerstown and second member of the
board. In Wicomico County you reappointed Thomas C. Roe of Salis-
bury. You appointed two Salisbury residents to the Wicomico Board.
Do you care to comment on this?
A. Yes, the things aren't individually to be considered. In the first
place I might tell you this, that Mr. Miles, the resident who is 72
whom I appointed in Somerset County, was appointed by me without
any knowledge of his age. Since we have verified and checked it, Mr.