Secretary of the Treasury, 412
Stalingrad, 99
Selling, Fred, 281
Star Spangled Banner, 388, 389, 400, 41 1
Senate, Maryland, 302, 315, 319, 318, 326,
State House, Maryland, 385, 386, 387, 390,
395, 397, 398, 404, 406, 415, 416, 427, 428
Senate, U.S., 412
State Institutions, 515-533
Seneca Creek, 471
appropriation for, 532; juvenile delin-
Sensenbaugh, Dr. James A., 316
quents, 519, 522; mental illness, 524, 530;
Severn, 358
mental retardation, 517, 526, 527; pri-
Severn River, 357, 479
sons, 528, 529
Shad's Landing, 471, 540
State Lunancy Commission, 530
Shad's Landing State Park, 477
State Office for Local and Metropolitan
Shelby, Colonel Issac, 394
Affairs, 63, 64
Sheraton Belvedere Hotel, 199
State Planning Department, 68
Shochatt, Maurice, 549
State Planning Commission, 358
Shockly, Walter, Jr., 72
State Police, Department of, 10, 11, 23, 549,
Silver Spring, Maryland, 275
554, 558, 461, 567, 569, 570, 571, 572, 576,
Simmons, Raymond, 379
577, 578
Sinepuxent Bay, 324, 327
State Roads Commission, 10, 21, 22, 168,
Small Business Administration, 118
326, 338, 475, 554, 558, 572, 579, 581, 584,
Smallwood's Retreat, 329
589, 594, 595
Smallwood, William, 392, 410, 414
State Safety Committee, 570, 571
Smith, Clifford B., 72
State Senate, 1
Smith College, 285
State Teacher Colleges, 8, 19
Smith, John W., 413
State Traffic Safety Advisory Council, 549
Smith, Mercer, 503
State University, 46
Smithsonian Institution, 431
Statewide Planning and Coordination for
Smoot, Frank, 124
Higher Education, 245
Snow Hill, 379, 477
Status of Women Commissions, 160
Sobeloff-Stockbridge Commission on the
Steel, I. Nevett, 449
Administrative Organization, 55
Stevens, George, 78
Social Security Administration, 350, 351,
Stevens, Samuel, Jr., 411
St. James Church in Salisbury, 488
Social Security System, 343, 383
St. John's College, 430
Society for Public Administration, 306
St. Mary's City, 169, 398, 493, 496
Society for the Preservation of Maryland
St. Mary's College, 35, 47, 56
Antiquities, 409
St. Mary's County, 72, 194, 196
Somerset County, 73, 307, 411, 412, 443
Stone, Thomas, 449
Soper, Morris A., 449
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 127
South Baltimore General Hospital, 356,
Strawbridge, Robert, 498
357, 358, 359, 360
Stubblefield, Frank, 149
South Carolina, 311
Student Leadership Breakfast at the Uni-
Southern Governor's Conference, 332, 335,
versity of Maryland, 484
Suitland, Maryland, 426
Southern Interstate Nuclear Board, 503,
Sunpapers, 569
510, 511,512,513,514
Supreme Court of the United States, 40
Southern Maryland Children's Center, 10
Susqeuhanna Basin, 441
Southern Regional Education Board, 243,
Susquehanna River, 196
244, 245, 246
Susquehanna River Basin Compact, 421
Soviet Union, 115
Span of Executive Control, 57
Speaker of the House of Delegates, 250, 418
Spring Grove State Hospital, 352, 353, 516,
Takoma Park, Maryland, 275
523, 530, 531
Talbot County, 411, 412, 414
Springer, Chief Howard, 272
Taney, Roger Brooke, 449
Springfield State Hospital, 353, 516, 531
Tarbutton, Frank, 379
Standard Brands, 209
Tawes, Elwath, 379
State and County Finance, Commission on,
Tax Revision, 17, 44
Taxation and Finance, 535-548
State Constitution, 28, 328, 329
aid to local government, 543, 547; bud-
State Emergency Resources Planning Com-
get, 535, 536, 544, 545, 546, 548; educa-
mittee, 105, 119
tion, taxes for, 537, 540, 546