Potomac River Basin, 436 437, 438
Religion, 480-502
Potomac River Basin Advisory Committee,
early developments. 493, 495, 496, 497;
freedom of worship, 486, 487, 488, 493,
Potomac River Compact of 1785, 426
494; prayer breakfasts, 484, 485, 486, 499;
Preakness, 201
relationship to government, 480, 481, 482,
Prescott, Captain William, 482
483, 490, 492; rise of Methodism, 497,
Prescott, Judge Stedman, 309, 315, 314
President's Committee for Traffic Safety,
Rennie, James G., 536
Republican, 144
President's Johnson's Great Society, 66
Republican National Convention, 147
President of the State Senate, 250
Republican Party, 144
Press Relations, 463-469
Research Land Corporation, 505
communications industry, 464, 465; pub-
Revenue Estimates, State Board of, 6, 26,
lic's need for information, 463, 464;
28, 29, 536, 538, 542
state-local communication, 466, 467, 468
Revolutionary War, 410
Primary Elections, 41, 330
Rhode Island, 284
Prince George's Community College, 248
Richmond, 193
Prince George's County, 154, 156, 166, 167,
Rio de Janiero, Brazil, 285, 286
188, 192, 193, 230, 231, 249, 275, 421, 430,
Rio, State of, 289, 290, 293, 294
433, 517, 582, 583
Ritchie, Governor Albert, 55
Prince George's County Association for
Rittenhouse, Dave, 379
Retarded Children, 376
Robinson, Dr. J. Ben, 236
Prince George's County Commissioners, 584
Roberts, Mary Carter, 417
Pritchett, Frederick, 379
Robertson, Fire Marshal James C., 265, 272
Provident Hospital, 358
Rockefeller, Governor Nelson, 440
Public Education, 33, 34, 46
Rocky Gap, 471
Public Health Service, United States, 504,
Rogers, Robert, 379
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 144, 345
Public Hospital of Baltimore, 530
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 173
Public Improvements, Department of, 528
Rose, John, C., 449
Public Personnel Association, 306
Rosewood State Hospital, 9, 10, 48, 353,
Public Health, 36
354, 371, 527
Public Welfare, 36, 48
Rotary International, 314
Public Welfare, Department of, 49, 343, 521
Rotary Club, 336
Public Works, State Board of, 29, 475, 537
Rural Electrification Administration, 145
Quasi Legislative Powers, 57
Safety First Club of Maryland, 549, 553,
Queen Anne County, 176, 410, 411, 412
Safety Health Conference, 567, 568
Safety Program, 52
Salisbury, 202, 379
Salley, Dr. John, 238
Radcliff, Senator George, 1, 286, 387
Sandy Point, 326, 593, 594
Radoff, Dr. Morris, 398, 417
Schmidt, Police Commissioner Bernard, 454
Randolph, Dr. Kenneth, 236
School Aid Bill, 46
Ratification Day, 385, 399
Schweiker, Congressman Richard, 486
Reapportionment, 40, 52, 54
Schweinhaut, Margaret C., 377
Reapportionment Plan, 41 42
Science, 503-515
Reckord, Lieutenant General Milton A.,
importance to the economy, 505, 509; in-
459, 460
Recreation, 469-480
economic potential, 473; effect on society,
terstate compact, 511; oceanography, 507;
research and development, 508; space
program, 509
472; land acquisition for parks, 477; num-
ber of visitors, 469, 470; ocean beaches,
474; water sports, 478, 479
Sciences Resources Advisory Board, 507
Scranton, Governor William W., 441
Redistricting, 52
Seaborg, Dr. Glenn, 514
Regional Advisory Council on Nuclear
Seafood Booster Dinner, 277
Energy, 511
Sears Roebuck and Company, 209
Regional Planning Council, 434
Scars Roebuck Foundation, 125