Taxation and Fiscal Matters, Committee
University of Maryland, 8, 19, 20, 24, 35,
on, 38
47, 50, 64, 68, 109, 110, 186, 205, 206,
Taylor, Hugh, 570
231, 240, 243, 244, 250, 255, 267, 308, 316,
Tennessee, Memphis, 559
337, 361, 371, 372, 374, 430, 431
Texas, 245
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The Progressive Farmer, 71
Campus, 35
Thomas, J. S. Waxter Children's Center,
University of Maryland College of Busi-
ness and Public Administration, 7
Thomas, Philip Francis, 412
University of Maryland Dental School, 236.
Tidewater Fisheries, Department of, 11,
238, 239
23, 277, 278, 279, 444
University of Maryland Extension Service,
Tidewater Fisheries School of Washing-
ton College, 278
University of Maryland Fire Service Ex-
Tilghman, Colonel Tench, 414
tension Service, 260
Torres, Governor Paulo, 288, 293, 294
University of Maryland in Baltimore, 381
Tourist Division, 408
University of Maryland Medical School,
Towson, 241
48, 384
Towson State College, 240, 242
University of Maryland School of Law, 250
Traffic Institute of Northwestern Univer-
University of Maryland School of Nursing,
sity, 576
361, 362
Traffic Safety, 38, 51
University of Maryland School of Social
Traffic Safety, 549-572
Work, 382
driver rehabilitation, 557; driver train-
Urban Studies Institute, 9
ing, 563, 564, 569, 671; enforcement pro-
gram, 553, 577; highway fatalities, 551,
552, 556, 560, 561, 563, 565, 568, 570, 582
Traffic Safety Commission, 567
Transportation, 573-595
budget for highway construction, 581,
590, 591; federal funds for roads, 589,
592; highway planning, 584, 587; inter-
state mileage, 589; parallel bay bridge,
Veazey, Thomas W., 412
Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact, 52
Veterans Day, 95
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 91
Viet Nam, 99, 102, 103, 568
593, 594, 595
Travel Development, Conference on, 387
Treaty of Paris, 385, 386, 396, 406, 409,
Virginia, 40, 130, 174, 188, 190, 201, 245,
258, 284, 311, 352, 363, 382, 438, 466, 550
410, 416, 417, 428
Triest, Willord G., 508
Trinity College, 431
Troy, Chester, 380
Truman, President Harry S., 132, 144, 540
Tubercular Treatment Plant, 9
Waldorf Bank, 181, 182
Tubercular Treatment Program, 9
TurnbuII, Douglas, 499
Wallace, General Lew, 402
Wallace, Governor George, 129, 141, 142
War Between the States, 399, 404, 405
Warfield Commission, 325
War for Independence, 390, 392, 395, 414
War of 1812, 395,411
Udall, Stewart L., 418
War on Poverty, 370
Unemployment in Maryland, 33
Wartburg Lutheran University, 285
Union, 401,402, 404
Washington, D.C., 82, 167, 186, 193, 322,
Union Soldiers, 404
363, 429 430, 431, 467, 507, 509, 514, 527,
Union Bridge, 471,473
541, 547, 573, 574, 584, 585, 587, 588, 589,
United Democratic Womens Clubs of
Maryland, 134, 156, 157
Washington Metropolitan Area, 21, 24, 300
United Nations Association of Maryland,
Washington College, 410, 430
285, 286
Washington County, 84, 87, 174, 477, 588,
United Nations Week, 285
Washington County Economic Develop-
United States Coast Guard, 443
ment Commission, 172
United States Power Squadrns, 478, 479
Washington Rotary Club, 427
University of Iowa, 286
Washington, President George, 92, 144, 390,
University of Kansas, 286