Motor Vehicles, Commissioner of, 52
Northampton County, Virginia
Motor Vehicles, Department of, 10, 24, 37,
Nuclear Energy and Space Committee, 503
554, 555, 557, 558, 561, 567, 569, 672, 578
Mt. Holyoke, 286
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 147
Municipal Court of Baltimore City, 450
Municipal Court, 451
Oakland, 159
Ocean City, 156, 157, 159, 169, 200, 268,
NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, 204
336, 574
Natcher, William, 149
O'Connor, Governor Herbert R., 1, 55
National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
Office of Economic Opportunity, 67, 343,
tration, 67, 154, 512,
National Anthem, 388
Office of Emergency Planning, 118
National Archives, 417
Office of Highway Safety, 552
National Association for Mental Health,
Ohio River Valley, 573, 589
Ohio Valley Flood Control Project, 148
National Board of Fire Underwriters, 267
Old Line State, 391, 392, 414
National Bureau of Standards, 204, 431
Old Main Building, 524
National Conference of Governors, 552
Old Senate Chamber, 387, 396, 406, 407,
National Defense and Military Affairs,
408, 416, 428
459-463; great Maryland military men,
Oklahoma, 40, 245, 513
460, 461; importance of National Guard,
Oliver, F. S., 160
Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of, 476
National Export Expansion Council, 180
Oyster Propagation Program, 1 1
National Fire Protection Association, 264,
265, 275
National Fire Service Staff and Command
School, 267
National Hospital Week, 374
Paca William, 410, 419, 449
National Indoor Tennis Tournament, 202
Parent-Teacher Association, 233
National Institutes of Health, 204, 431, 524
Parks and Recreation, 49
National Oceanographic Program, 507
Partners of the Alliance for Progress, 289,
National Park Service, 399
292, 293
Natural Resources Institute of the Uni-
Patapsco River, 471
versity of Maryland, 278, 280, 283
Patuxent Bridge, 592
National Safety Conference, 557,
Patuxent Institution, 56
National Safety Council, 549, 551, 558, 560
People's Courts, 450, 451
People's Court of Prince Georges County,
National Science Foundation, 204
National Wildlife Federation, 125
Perkins, Carl, 149
Naval Academy, U.S., 387, 399, 430, 506
Personal Income, 27
Naval Institute, United States, 506
Petropolis, 291
Naval Medical Research Institute, 431
Phi Betta Kappa, 286
Naval Research Laboratory, 431
Philadelphia, 275, 310, 311, 313, 386, 390,
Nelligan, Dr. Murray, 399
414, 427, 481
Nelson, Lord, 388
Philadelphia Convention, 428
New England, 284
Phipps Clinic of the Johns Hopkins Hos-
New Hampshire, 311
pital, 530
New Jersey, 311, 390,427
Phoebus, Robert, 379
New York City, 127, 210, 311, 427, 440
Pinckney, Charles, 311
New York World's Fair, 165, 169, 200
Pickney, William, 449
Nice, Governor Harry, 55
Pikesville, 112, 124
Nichols, Jack, 379
Pikesville Fire Hall, 112
Norfolk, 478
Pittsburgh, 82
Norris, J. Berkman, 72
Planning Council of the Greater Balti-
North Carolina 139, 140, 245, 311
more Committee, 286
Planning Commission, 358
North Point, 411
Northeast Expressway, 446
Planning, Department of, 11, 381
Police Department of Baltimore City, 327
Northeastern Expressway, 581
Port of Baltimore, 215, 444
Northeastern Regional Graduate Retrain-
Potomac Electric Power Company, 187, 189
ing Conference, 576
Potomac Heights, Maryland, 275