Maryland Children's Center, 10, 522
Maryland Traffic Safety Commission, 554,
Maryland Civil Defense Agency, 9, 10, 13
Maryland Civil War Centennial Commis-
Maryland Travel Council, Inc., 169
sion, 401, 402,404
Maryland Wildlife Federation, 124
Maryland Congress of Parent-Teacher's
Master Farm Family, 71
Association, 541
Matthews, Harlan, 78
Maryland Constitution, 33, 34, 68
Mayflower Compact, 486
Maryland Correctional Intitution, 528, 529
Maryland Council of Churches, 544
Maryland County Commissioner's Associ-
ation, 110
McCambridge, J. F., 376, 377
McCormick and Company, 181
McCarthy, Dr. Harry B., 236
Maryland Court of Appeals, 309
McKeldin, Governor Theodore R., 1, 55
Maryland-D.C. Broadcasters Association,
147, 254, 454
McSherry, Hames, 449
Manpower Development and Training Act,
Medical Program, State, 48
Medicare, 45, 383
Maryland Declaration of Rights, 468, 486
Medicare Program, Federal. 48. 338
Maryland Democratic Party, 156
Maryland Economic Development Com-
Memphis Conference for Fire Instructors,
mission, 505
Memphis, Tennessee, 264
Maryland Fair Representation vs. J. Mil-
lard Tawes, 40
Mental Health Planning Committee, 380
Maryland Gazette, 399
Maryland Higher Education Loan Cor-
Mental Hygiene, Board of, 530, 532
Mental Hygiene, Department of, 9, 371,
J / £,
poration, 257
Maryland Historical Society, 168, 387, 409,
Mental Hygiene, Department of, 10, 36,
48, 50, 339, 343, 354, 355, 516, 526, 527,
Maryland Historical Trust, 409
528, 532
Maryland Industrial Financing Authority,
Mental Retardation, 9
Maryland Internal Revenue, 413
Maryland Line, 414
Metallurgy Research Center, 431
Metropolitan Washington Council of Gov-
ernments, 425, 439
Maryland National Capital Park and Plan-
Meyer, Dr. Adolf, 352, 530
ning Commission, 197, 584
Maryland National Guard, JK9, 459
Meyers, John, 274
Middle River, 357
Maryland Nursing Home Association, 347
Maryland Nursing Home Week, 348
Mifflin McCambridge Company of River-
dale, Maryland, 376
Maryland Office of Economic Opportunity,
Miles, Clarence W., 176
Maryland Partners of the Alliance Pro-
gram, 286, 287
Miles Commission, 424, 425
Miles, Prentiss, 379
Maryland Pavilion, 200
Miller, Charles, 213
Maryland Port Authority, 215
Mills, Frances, 149
Maryland Religious Toleration Act, 494,
Milton, John, 232
Mineral County, West Virginia, 172
Maryland Society of New York, 388
Miss Maryland, 166
Maryland State Employment Service, 379
Miss Universe, 166
Maryland State Firemen's Association, 263,
Modernization of the Executive Branch of
261, 266, 270, 272, 276,
the Maryland Government Commission
Maryland State Firemen's Association,
Ladies Auxiliary, 261
Monocacy Battlefield, 401
Maryland Planning Department, 476
Monroe, James, 390
Maryland State Police, 52, 378, 364, 443,
Monterrey, 145
446, 447
Montgomery County, 166, 275, 381, 421,
Maryland State Police Academy, 445
430, 433, 517, 550, 582, 583
Maryland State Teachers' Association, 28,
Montgomery County Council, 584
Montrose School for Girls, 521, 522
Maryland State Teacher, 337
Morgan State College,, 8, 9, 35, 47, 56, 243,
Maryland Training School for Boys, 518,
244, 337, 368
519, 520, 522, 529
Morgantown, 589