grants run thus: "The State of Maryland, &c." and shall bear test
by the governor with the seal of the state annexed: That all writs
shall run in the same style, and be tested, sealed, and signed as usual:
That all indictments shall conclude: " Against the peace, govern-
ment and dignity of the state."
54. "That all penalties and forfeitures, heretofore going to the
king or proprietary, shall go to the state, save only such as the gene-
ral assembly may abolish or otherwise provide for.
55. " That this form of government, and the declaration of rights,
and no part thereof, shall be altered, changed, or abolished unless a
bill so to alter, change, or abolish the same, shall pass the general
assembly and shall be confirmed by the general assembly after a
new election of delegates, in the first session alter such new elec-
56. " That to introduce the new government, an election be held
for the electors of the senate on the third Monday of November in
this present year, and that the electors of the senate meet at An-
napolis on the first Monday of December in this present year, and
there choose senators, and that an election be held on the third
Monday of December for delegates to serve in general assembly,
and for sheriffs; and that the said elections be made by such per-
sons in the same manner and under the same qualifications as such
elections are herein before directed to be made at the periodical
times beforementioned; the returns of all which first elections shall
be made to the council of safety for the time being, and the gene-
ral assembly shall meet at Annapolis on the ————— day of
——————— and shall in their then session, or in such future ses-
sion as they shall think proper, choose a governor and council for
the residue of the year in the manner before directed : and for fill-
ing in the first instance only all the offices in the disposition of the
governor, with the advice of the council; the house of delegates
may also propose to the senate a list of all officers in the appoint-
ment of the governor, with the advice of the council, and on the
senate concurring therein, or the recommendation of any of the
persons therein mentioned, such persons so recommended shall be
commissioned by the governor; but if the senate shall not concur
in the recommendation of any of the persons proposed as afore-
said, then shall a joint ballot of both houses be taken in manner
aforesaid for persons to be recommended for such offices, and the
persons in whose favor such ballot shall pass shall be commission-
ed as aforesaid."
Convention adjourns till Monday morning, 9 o'clock.