of public accounts, shall receive directly or indirectly, at any time
the profits or any part of the profits of any office, held by any other
person, during his acting in the office to which he is appointed, his
election, appointment and commission, on conviction in a court of
law, by the oath of two credible witnesses, shall be void, and he
shall suffer the punishment for wilful and corrupt perjury, or be
banished this state forever, or disqualified forever, from holding any
office or place of trust or profit, as the court may adjudge.
50. " That if any person shall give any bribe, present, or reward,
or any promise, or any security for the payment or delivery of any
money, or any other thing, to obtain or procure a vote, to be go-
vernor, senator, delegate to congress, or assembly, member of the
council, or judge, or to be appointed to any of the said offices, or
to any office of profit or trust, now created or hereafter to be cre-
ated in this state, the person giving and the person receiving the
same, on conviction in a court of law, shall be forever disqualified
to hold any office of trust or profit in this state.
51. " That every person appointed to any office of profit or trust
shall, before he enters on the execution thereof, take the following
oath, to wit, " I, A. B. do swear, That I will be true and faithful to
the state of Maryland, and the government thereof, as by the con-
vention of Maryland established, and that I will to the utmost of
my power, support, maintain and defend the said state and govern-
ment thereof; and that I will use my utmost endeavors to disclose
and make known to the governor, the council, or some of the
judges or justices of this state for the time being, all treasons and
traitorous conspiracies or attempts which I shall know to be against
this state and the government thereof; and I do declare, that no
king, prince, or state, hath, or ought to have, any power, jurisdic-
tion, superiority, or authority, within this state." And shall also
subscribe a declaration of his belief in the Christian religion.
52. " That there be a court of appeals, composed of persons of
integrity and sound judgment in the law, whose judgment shall be
final and conclusive in all cases of appeal, from the general court,
court of chancery, and court of admiralty : That one person of in-
tegrity and sound judgment in the law, be appointed chancellor:
That three persons of integrity and sound judgment in the law, be
appointed judges of the court now called the provincial court; and
that the same court be hereafter called and known by the name of
the general court; which court shall sit on each shore for determin-
ing the business of each shore respectively.
53. " That the style of all laws run thus, " Be it enacted by the
general assembly of Maryland;" That all public commissions and