MONDAY, November 4, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Barnes, Mr. J. Mackall,
Mr. B. Mackall, Mr. B. Hall, Mr. Sprigg, Mr. Hammond, Mr. S.
Chase, Mr. J. T. Chase, and Mr. J. Wilson, appeared in the house.
On motion of Mr. Gustavus Scott, That all civil officers now in
commission for this state under the old form of government, shall
continue to act in their respective departments until others shall
be appointed and commissioned in their stead by the legislature or
executive power of this state, and qualified to act? An amendment
was proposed in the words following, "and that the county courts
assess the county charges as usual." On which amendment the
question was put, and resolved in the affirmative.
Mr. Barnes, Mr. Edelen, Mr. S. Wright,
Fenwick, Beall, Edmondson,
Plater, Stull, Gibson,
Dent, J. Smith, Mason,
Parnham, Archer, Dickinson,
Grahame, Ewing, Johnson,
Fitzhugh, D. Smith, Gus. Scott,
J. Mackall, Brevard, Geo. Scott,
Marbury, Earle, Horsey,
Worthington, T. Smyth, Chaille,
Paca, T. Wright, Bishop,
Carroll, Kent, Mitchell.
J. Wilson, Bruff,
Mr. Bayly, Mr. Ridgely, Mr. Bond,
Williams, Deye, Love,
Fischer, Stevenson, Gilpin.
The question was then put on the motion so amended, and re-
solved in the affirmative.
Ordered, That the same be published in the Maryland Gazette
and Baltimore papers.
The convention took into consideration the report of the form of
government for this state from the committee of the whole, and in
progression on reading the same, on motion of Mr. Bayly, the ques-
tion was put, That the second article thereof be struck out? Car-
ried in the negative.
On motion of Mr. T. Wright, the question was then put, That
the word "five" be inserted instead of the word "thirty" in the se-
cond article ? Carried in the negative.