That each of the officers being nominated by the committees,
have warrants for enlisting, and that each of the officers enlist the
following numbers, to wit: a captain 30, first and second lieuten-
ant 20, third lieutenant or ensign 16; and that by order of the
council of safety, the said officers draw out of the public treasury
monies sufficient to discharge the bounties.
The committee for that purpose appointed, bring in and deliver
to Mr. President the following report:
"Your committee appointed to examine and price the linen
brought in by Edward Parker, do report, that he has brought in 611
yards valued at 3s. 6d. per yard, and four hundred and twenty-
seven and a quarter yards at 2s. 3d. per yard, common currency.
All which is submitted to the consideration of the honorable house.
" THOMAS CONTEE, chairman com."
Which was read and agreed to.
Whereas, this convention hath resolved, "that the several com-
panies of militia intended to be raised for the purpose of forming a
flying camp for the protection of the middle colonies, shall be mus-
tered and passed by some one of the field-officers of the counties
where such companies shall be raised, and the captains shall re-
turn two copies of his muster roll certified by the field officer who
musters the men, to the council of safety." And whereas, no field-
officers are appointed in Kent county, it is therefore Resolved, that
the committee of observation for Kent county are hereby author-
ised to appoint a militia commissioned officer in said county, who
is empowered to muster and pass such companies in as full and
ample manner as if the same was done by a field-officer.
On motion, Resolved, That the commissioners appointed by a
resolve of the convention of this province in December last, for
the purpose of establishing a gun-lock manufactory in Frederick
town in Frederick county, or in the neighborhood thereof, for which
purpose twelve hundred pounds was appropriated, do lay before
the next convention, on the third day of their sitting, a full and
clear account of their proceedings in the premises, together with
the state of said manufactory.
On reading and considering the report from the committee ap-
pointed to report on the petition of John Brewer of the city of An-
napolis, Resolved, That the fine imposed on the said John Brewer
by the committee of observation for Anne Arundel county be re-
mitted, and his fire arms returned to him.
On motion, Resolved, That all petitions, applications and reports
to convention this present session, and all petitions, applications
and reports, to convention in all its former sessions, whereon no