veral committees in each county, and that they be earnestly re-
quested to give every assistance in their power to the immediate
enrolling of the militia companies, and enabling them to march.
Resolved, That the council of safety direct such and so many of
the said militia companies to march to the city of Annapolis, Bal-
timore town, Talbot, Kent, Queen Anne's, and St. Mary's coun-
ties, as will supply the number and places of the said battalion and
independent companies; and that till the places of the regular
troops ordered from Annapolis and Baltimore town can be supplied
by the militia to be raised as aforesaid, the council of safety direct
three companies of the neighboring militia to march into Annapo-
lis, and two companies of the neighboring militia to march into
Baltimore town.
Resolved, That the continental officer who may command the
flying camp, is requested, if the service will permit, to separate the
corps of regulars from the corps of militia to be supplied by this
province, to prevent any ground of discontent about rank. -
Resolved, That this province will raise two companies of rifle-
men and four companies of Germans, according to the requisitions
of congress in their resolutions of the 27th day of June last.
That one of the said companies of rifle-men be raised in Har-
ford county, two of the said companies of Germans be raised in
Baltimore county, and one of the companies of rifle-men and two
of the companies of Germans be raised in Frederick county.
That to expedite the raising and levying the said troops, the
committee of observation for Harford county recommend the offi-
cers of the company to be raised in that county, the committee of
observation for Baltimore county, the officers of the companies to
be raised in that county, and that two of the committee of observa-
tion from each of the districts of Frederick county, who are to
meet at Frederick town on Friday the 12th day of this instant,
July, or the major part of them so met, recommend the officers of
the companies of Germans to be raised in that county, and also
the officers of the rifle companies to be raieed there, except the
That Lemuel Barret be captain of the rifle company to be raised
in Frederick county, if he will act as such.
That each of the companies of Germans consist of one captain,
two lieutenants, one ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, one
drummer, one filer, and seventy-six privates; and each of the rifle
companies of one captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four
corporals, one drummer, one fifer, and seventy-six privates; and
that the officers being approved, be appointed and certified to the
congress by the council of safety.