final order hath been or shall be made, be referred to the next ses-
sion of convention.
On motion, Resoled, That a bounty of one shilling common mo-
ney be paid by the council of safety for every bushel of salt im-
ported into this colony, and delivered above Point Look out,
before the first day of March next, and that the importer be allow-
ed to sell the same at any price not exceeding seven shilling and
six pence common money per bushel.
On motion, Resolved, That the council of safety advertise the
proposals given in to this convention by Mr. Charles Wallace, and
request any person who will contract for a large quantity of salt,
to deliver in their proposals by the 20th day of July next, and the
council of safety are empowered to enter into a contract agreeable
to any such proposals that may be given in, if they adjudge such
proposals more for the advantage of the public, but if no better
terms should be offered by the said day, then the council of safety
are empowered to close with the said proposals of Charles Wallace.
Ordered, That the declaration of this convention of this day,
and the resolution in answer to the resolutions of the Virginia con-
vention, be published in the Maryland Gazette.
The journal of accounts was read and assented to.
Ordered, That the treasurer of the western shore pay the several
claims allowed in the same.
The convention adjourns till Thursday the first day of August
next, to sit at this place, but the council of safety may convene the
convention at any other time or place they shall judge it neces-
Signed by order of the convention,