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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 147   View pdf image (33K)
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gun locks, or bayonets, be carried out of this province, without the
leave of the council of safety for the time being.

On reading a second time the petition of Charles Landsdale of
Prince George's county, Ordered, That the same be referred to the
committee appointed to examine the several claims on the treasury.
A memorial from Henry Ridgely of Elkridge, in Anne Arundel
county; a memorial from Stephen Gartrill of said county; and a
petition from Isaac M'Hard of the city of Annapolis; were several-
ly read and ordered to lie on the table.

The committee for that purpose appointed, bring in and deliver
to Mr. President, the following report to wit.

"The committee appointed to view and value the linen manufac-
tured and sent to the council of safety by Edward Parker of Cecil
county, do report, that seven pieces of linen delivered in to the
commissary of stores, containing 281 1/2 yards, are of the value of
three shillings and six-pence currency per yard, and that one peice
containing 21 yards, is of the value of two shillings and three-pence
currency per yard.

All which is submitted to the honourable convention.
"Signed per order of the committee,

N. HARWOOD, clk."
Which was read and agreed to.

Sundry remonstrances and petitions from the fifth and 20th bat-
talions of militia in Queen Anne's county, were read and ordered to
lie on the table.

The convention took into consideration the proceedings of the
committee of observation for Calvert county, in the cause of James
Weems, and it appearing that the facts stated in the said Weems'
letter to the said committee, on the 26th day of February last, are
true, Resolved, That the said James Weems was not guilty of a
breach of the resolve of congress referred to in the proceedings of
the said committee, and that the said committee erred in the deter-
mination by them made.

A petition from the officers and privates thereunto subscribed of
a company of militia in Linganore, in the middle district of Frede-
rick county, against their captain Basil Dorsey, was read and order-
ed to lie on the table.

The order of the day for taking into consideration the late inter-
cepted letters to governor Eden, the proceedings of the continental
congress, and of the council of safety of this province, thereupon,
being read, Ordered, That the same be referred for further consid-
eration till to-morrow.

Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.


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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 147   View pdf image (33K)
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