THURSDAY, May 23, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday, except
Mr. Bond. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine
into the expenditure of the money placed in the hands of Mr.
William Lux, as agent for the ship Defence; and Mr. Ringgold,
Mr. Beall, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Murray, and Mr. Turbutt Wright,
were elected by ballot a committee for that purpose.
Mr. Baird has leave of absence.
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to consid-
er of the expediency of exempting the masters and scholars of
public and others schools from attending on musters; and Mr.
Plater, Mr. Scott, and Mr. T. Johnson, were elected by ballot a
committee for that purpose.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the late in-
tercepted letters to governor Eden, the proceedings of the continen-
tal congress, and of the council of safety of this province, thereupon,
being read, the convention resolved itself into a committee of the
whole to consider of the same; Mr. Plater in the chair. After
some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr.
Plater reported, that the committee had according to order, taken
into their consideration the late intercepted letters to governor
Eden, the proceedings of the continental congress, and of the
council of safety of this province, thereupon, but not being able to
go through the same, had directed him to move for leave to sit
Resolved, That this convention will in the afternoon resolve
itself into a committee of the whole to consider further of the said
letters and proceedings.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Met according to adjournment Mr. Stull has leave of ab-
Mr. Ringgold brings in and delivers to Mr. President, a report from
the committee appointed to report proper alterations and additions
to the resolutions of convention for erecting a powder-mill, and
for the examination of the accounts of the supervisors of public
salt-petre works; also a report from the committee appointed to
examine into the conduct of Mr. Cummins, and the reason why
he has not supplied the troops with rations, agreeble to his con-
tract with the council of safety; which were severally read and
ordered to lie on the table.