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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 146   View pdf image (33K)
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The convention took into their consideration a report from the
said committee on the terms offered by Elisha Winters of Chester
town in Kent county, and came to the following resolutions there-
on, to wit.

Resolved, That the sum of eight hundred and and fifty-five pounds
common money be advanced to the said Elisha Winters out of the
pulic treasury, he giving bond in double that sum, with sufficient se-
curity, conditioned for the delivery of 600 stand of muskets, three
quarters of an inch in the bore and 3 1/2 feet in the barrel, to be well
stocked with walnut, and well finished, with strong substantial dou-
ble bridled locks, strong brass mounting, substantial steel bayonets
and ramrods, and swivels for slings, agreeable to a sample this day
produced to the convention, at the rate of four pounds five shillings
common money for each musket so finished; the said muskets
and accoutrements to be delivered to the order of the convention
or the council of safety of this province for the time being, in the
following proportions, to wit. Forty per month for the first three
months from the date of the contract, and the residue in nine
months thereafter, in proportions of not less than fifty per month;

the said Elisha Winters to be furnished in due time, by order of
the convention or council of safety for the time being, with barrels
and bayonets, of the dirnentions and quality as aforesaid, at the
Head of Elk river in Cecil county, at the rate of twenty shillings
common money each for the barrels, and eight shillings like money
each for the bayonets. That a further sum of four hundred and
twenty-seven pounds ten shillings like money be advanced him, up-
on the delivery of three hundred of the said muskets and accoutre-
ments as aforesaid; and upon the delivery of the residue as afore-
said, that the further sum of four hundred and twenty-seven pounds
ten shilling be paid him as the balance of the amount of the said six
hundred muskets and accoutrements, at four pounds five shillings
common money, deducting the cost of the barrels and bayonets as

On motion, Resolved, That all persons employed in the manufac-
turing or repairing of arms for the public, or in repairing arms for
the use of the militia by order or appointment of any field officer
of the militia, and all persons who are personally employed in erect-
ing or working of powder mills, or in working in any public salt-
petre or marine salt works, carried on for the use and on account of
the public, shall, during the time they are actually so employed, with-
in one year next following, be exempt from attending on musters.

Resolved, that no muskets or rifles, except by the owner thereof
on his removal to reside out of this province, or any gun barrels,


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Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776
Volume 78, Page 146   View pdf image (33K)
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