row resolve itself into a committee of the whole to consider of
the same.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
TUESDAY, May 14, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Stull, Mr. Allein, and
Mr. Nicholson, appeared in the house.
A petition from the freemen belonging to the 29th battalion of
militia; a petition from the committee and others the inhabitants
of the middle district of Frederick county; a letter from col. John
Murdock of the 29th battalion; a petition from Jacob Keaport of
Baltimore county, and, an application from Michael Cocendofer
of Frederick county, for a sum of money to enable him to carry
on a stocking manufactory; were severally read and ordered to
lie on the table.
On motion, Resolved unanimously, That upon every vote the
delegates from each county be severally called, and the yeas and
nays respectively taken, if required by a county, and that the same
be recorded with the proceedings of the convention.
Resolved, That all the votes and proceedings of the convention
be published, except such as relate to military operations, and such
others as shall be particularly ordered not to be published.
On reading a second time the application of Michael Cocendofer
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to receive all proposals
relative to the establishment of manufactories, and report their
opinion thereon; and Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Rumsey, Mr. Earle, Mr.
Ewing, and Mr. Beall, were elected by ballot a committee for that
The petition of Jacob Keaport of Baltimore county being read
a second time, Resolved, That the same be rejected.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Convention met.
A recommendation of field officers, and a petition for commis-
sions for said officers, from the captains Gist Vaughan, Micijah
Merryman, John Stevenson, son of Edward, John Forster, Stephen
Gill, son of John, John Talbot, Edward Cockey, and John Cockey,
were read and ordered to lie on the table.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the late inter-
cepted letters to governor Eden, the proceedings of the continen-
tal congress, and of the council of safety of this province, being