read, the convention resolved itself into a committee of the whole
to consider of the same; Mr. Plater in the chair. Alter some time
spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Plater re-
ported, that the committee according to order, had taken under
their consideration the late intercepted letters to governor Eden,
the proceedings of the continental congress, and of the council of
safety, thereupon, but not being able to go through the same, had
directed him to move for leave to sit again.
Resolved, That this convention will to morrow resolve itself into
a committee of the whole to consider further of the said letters and
Convention adjourns till to morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
WEDNESDAY, May 15, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read.
On reading a letter from captain John Allen Thomas of the fifth
independent company of regular troops, Resolved, That a commit-
tee be appointed to enquire into the conduct of Mr. Robert Cum-
mins, and the reason why he has not supplied the troops with ra-
tions as regulated at the last convention, agreeable to his contract
with the council of safety: and Mr. Scott, Mr. Hooe, Mr. Plater,
Mr. Hooper, and Mr. Barnes, were elected by ballot a committee
for that purpose.
Whereas, it is necessary that the peace and good order of the pro-
vince should be maintained as much as possible, and it appearing
to this convention that sundry officers appointed for that purpose
have refused to take upon them the respective trusts to which they
have been appointed, alleging scruples to take the usual oaths to
the government during the unhappy differences with Great Britain,
Resolved, That the said oaths be dispensed with during the said
differences, and that the persons already appointed, or who may
hereafter be appointed, do qualify themselves for their trusts, by ta-
king the respective oaths of office to which they are or may be ap-
pointed; and all persons concerned, either in administering or ta-
king the said oath of office, independent of the said oaths to the
government, may rest assured that proper care shall be taken, upon
the settlement of those differences, an event we most ardently wish
for, to indemnify them against any penalties directed by any laws
to be inflicted on persons acting as aforesaid, without having first
taken said oaths.
Ordered, That captain John Bennett's company of militia in
the upper district of Frederick county, be assigned a company of