Convention met. Mr. Somervill appeared in the house.
A memorial from the committee of observation for Cecil county,
and an address and petition from the officers and associators in the
30th or Susquehannah battalion of militia in said county, were
severally read and ordered to lie on the table.
On reading a second time the petition of Purnal Johnson, Re-
solved, That the same be referred to the committee of observation
for Baltimore county, and that the said committee report to this
convention their opinion of the merits of said petition.
Ordered, That the clerk transmit a copy of the above resolve, to-
gether with a copy of the petition, to the committee of Baltimore
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to consider
of the further means of defence necessary for this province; and
Mr. T. Johnson, Mr. Goldsborough, Mr. Hollyday, Mr. Paca, Mr.
Hooper, Mr. Tilghman, and Mr. Plater, were elected by ballot a
committee for that purpose.
On reading a second time the remonstrance from the committee
of observation for Talbot county, Resolved, That the 4th battalion
of militia in said county, be composed of the companies of the
captains Joseph Bruff, Jacob Gibson, Nathaniel Cooper, John
Daugherty, James Lloyd, Samuel Abbot, Thomas Gordon, and
Greenbury Goldsborough; and that the companies of the captains
James Benson, Henry Banning, John Rolle, William Hambleton,
William Webb Haddaway, and Nicholas Martin, in said county,
form the 38th battalion.
The remonstrance of the committee of the lower district of
Frederick county being read a second time, Resolved, That the
same be referred for consideration till next session of convention.
On reading a second time and considering the memorial of cap-
tain Edward Veazey, Resolved, That the same be rejected.
On reading a second time the petition of Abraham Linganfelter,
David Alspaugh, and Henry Barnes, languishing debtors in Frede-
rick county gaol, Resolved, That the same be referred to the con-
sideration of the next session of convention. But that it is in
the mean time recommended to the "several creditors of said pe-
titioners to accept the compromise offered by them, provided the
same be a just and fair one.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the late inter-
cepted letters to governer Eden, the proceedings of the continen-
tal congress, and of the council of safety of this province, there-
upon, being read, Resolved, That this convention will on to-mor-